Sunday, January 13, 2008

Antique Mall Beauty Hunt - Part I - Men

Ok -- I went, I saw, I photographed, I conquered -- at least until my camera battery died. It charged all night, but it lies when it says 140 minutes -- I actually got down to 22 when it went kaput.

Anyway, Part I will be short. Very very short. Not much by way of menfolk in that antique mall. Except in the two 'western' booths, but shucks, I think The Pioneer Woman has got that covered, and she shoots REAL cowboys, with fringe a flyin'. Hunky cowboys, too. & hottie horseflesh. So (wisely, I think), I left the western shoot-out to the pro and moseyed along. I feel joy, looking at this.
In keeping with my aim for 'Asian.' Fierce fellow, what!

That's it. I told ya -- short!