Friday, November 16, 2007

Head Clearing Pages

Last night was chauffeur night in a big way (Mr. Brown came home from work sick, poor man -- for Bobby to actually LEAVE WORK under any circumstances is an astonishment bordering on a forthcoming wonder of the world -- so I knew he was seriously ILL): take David to gym, come home. Take Kevin to school for practice, come home. Do dishes, start head-clearing journal pages. Remove Zoe from center of head-clearing journal pages 12 times per page. Give up, stop working on journal pages, and brush/pet Zoe for 30 minutes. Clean litter box. Throw wads on floor for Zoe. Go to school, pick up Kevin, go to gas station for gatorade for Kevin and Diet Coke for Toni, go to McDonalds for food for Kevin. Come home. Enter studio only to receive phone call from David. Go to gym and retrieve David. Take David to La Salsita for food. Come home. Look at journal pages on work table, exhale, shrug, pet Zoe 10 minutes, go to bed.


Veronica said...

How did I miss this? Awesome head clearing pages. I love it.