Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Polish Festival

By hook or by crook, I AM GETTING TO THIS!!! Every year since I've been in Arizona, I've said I wanted to go to the Renaissance Festival. I arrived in Arizona in May of 1979, and I haven't made it to a Renaissance Festival yet. #&$@&^! I somehow manage to attend the Greek Festival at least every other year, which I attribute solely to my predilection for REALLY GREAT HOMEMADE BAKLAVA!! And I love to watch the dancing, oh my! I happened to see this flyer in my doctor's office Monday and grabbed one for myself. I think it's a good practice for a mutt such as myself to explore her various heritages, eh? I'm Irish, Scottish, French, Welsh and German ... but hey! Poland is close and Greece has Baklava, so I adopted THEM! True story.


Carla said...

You crack me up! I hope you go, and Polka your little heart out!