Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wings 4 You: Accomplishments, Qualities, and Affirmations ("Who I Am Now")

Synchronicities bloom and abound! Dame Carla posted another list of prompts, which I only now finished scribbling to myself about in my Journey Journal. I love it! I just wrote this morning, in my regular journal, that I wished I could get each subsequent prompt AS SOON AS I finished the prior one, and here she was anticipating me!

Prompt One: brainstorming a list of the things I've accomplished, things that have made me proud of myself. Now dig it, I'm writing all this in a regular composition book from Walmart ... each page has 23 lines, so I stopped at 23. I'm going to summarize, too, and just give you five.
1. Balance beam
2. 21 years of marriage, and my sons
3. Creative writing, visual art, 32 years of journal-writing
4. Adjustment to new places, people, environments, atmospheres (moving all my life)
5. My natural athletic ability, i.e. great dancer, good at almost any sport, that sort of thing

Prompt Two: Recognize and list the personal qualities I have that make these accomplishments possible These five are listed in the order of how many times each of them appeared in my individual accomplishment breakdowns.
1. Open-minded
2. Seeking change
3. Risk taker
4. Work ethic
5. Laugh at self/sheer joy

Prompt Three: Write these qualities as affirmations of who you are right now. Start each affirmation with "I am" and write it in the present tense.
1. I am willing to put in the time, effort & personal sacrifice, for as long as it takes, needed to make & SEE progress.
2. I am brave and welcoming in the face of change.
3. I am an explorative, original, abundant & adventurous writer and artist.
4. I am happy to appear foolish in pursuit of my dreams, and I am an initiator.
5. I am articulate and fascinated by all manner of communication & contact, with others and myself. Affirmations take mental refuse, such as this, and obliterate it. Look at it -- it's nothing but weather-worn bits, disintegrating to dust under the slightest positive thought-breeze! Affirmations make clear the difference between building blocks and debris, and make mental house-cleaning so EASY! Who needs Martha Stewart (did I say that!)?

Dame Carla says, and I LOVE this, "You can use affirmations to positively mobilize your inner resources." And by means of such simple ingredients: Accomplishments, to Qualities, to Affirmations.

[photos: mine]


Carla said...

Love these affirmations, Toni! This stuff is so cool! I'm hoping to benefit by eavesdropping on your journey!

I'm curious. Do you have any idea how small Campo, CO is? I wonder who is there that's visiting both our blogs. I find this whole blog thing so fascinating!

Anonymous said...

Toni! My goodness... you have such power and clarity! And - you show so well that what you see in yourself is what you continue to become - this one: " I am willing to put in the time, effort & personal sacrifice, for as long as it takes, needed to make & SEE progress..." - is happening right now! And BTW, there will be a new challenge on Sunday. I am generally posting on Sunday for the challenges and mid-week for extra thoughts. Thank you again for your energizing participation:>

beth said...

I love all of these "getting to know you" fun !!!

I want to think up some more topics...any ideas ???